Photo by David McBee on
Like most people, we’d all love to be able to make money without working every minute of the day. Unfortunately, many of the methods to earn a passive income can be out of reach due to the high investment costs. Investments like rental properties, high-yield interest savings, business franchises, can all offer a passive income, but the risk and cost can be enormous. But what if I told you that it is possible to earn a fixed return investing for a passive income.
In the old days the expectation was that with greater risk, comes greater reward. Times have changed. Although every investment has a cost, it is possible to invest for a solid return with next to no risk. You just need to know where to look. The problem is, for many of us who were born before the new millennium, a lot of these investment vehicles are related to technologies we didn’t grow up with. We could break down to you how a floppy disk worked, but cloud computing? Let’s face it, the digital coffee makers of today are not your grandmother’s percolator.
My grandfather was a savvy investor and businessman who knew the ins and outs of finance and banking. Like most people from his generation, he had a full-time job and maintained a retirement plan. In his day, savings in a bank earned a hefty return and along with C.D.’s, an individual could earn a sizable, fixed return investing for a passive income just by having extra money sitting in bank account.
One of the tricks my grandfather used to make extra money passively was by utilizing credit cards. He would find a credit card that offered a delayed repayment & interest for new card holders. With the delayed repayment, he could purchase a short-term investment on credit, earn the interest return before the credit payment was due, avoid an interest charge, and keep the profit. For example, if he found a credit card that offered a 6 month no interest, no payment, he would purchase a 3-month U.S. Treasury Bill, earn the interest, and pay off the credit card.
Not only was he earning interest without spending his own money, but he was building credit. He was essentially looking for fixed return investing for a passive income. He was avoiding risk while still making sizable returns, letting money work for him. While these tricks would be nearly impossible to pull off at today’s banking rates, the concepts behind them are still very much a part of how I personally look at investing. My goal is and has been to have my money make money, so my back doesn’t have too. To earn a fixed return investing for a passive income.
Much like my grandfather’s generation, most people see investing as putting their money away somewhere to hopefully earn a return. But one of the keys to a good investment, like a business, should be to first earn back your initial principal. As they say in gambling, it’s better to play with the house’s money. Why is it better? Because the risk is removed.
The next step is essential to investing. It is imperative that as the investment produces returns, those returns are reinvested. Einstein didn’t call compounding interest, “The eighth wonder of the world” for nothing. Here’s an example of the power of compounding and I’m going to show you exactly how it is possible to achieve extraordinary results in less time than may you believe.
Let’s say we have an investment product that offers a fixed return every day of $2 (2%) for every $100 we invest. If we do this for 30 days, we can expect to earn $60 per month.
Now, let’s take that a step further.
After two months, you now have a profit of $120 plus your initial $100. In the third month, you invest $200 in the same product and 60 days later, you now have a profit of $240 plus your initial $200 and $20 cash (roughly 6.7% of $120).
Let’s say you do this for one year (365 days, 12 months). To make it simple, we’re investing $100 and earning a 2% return every day. We’re then taking that return and adding it back into the initial investment every day for an entire year. The results after 365 days of compounding 2% returns on a $100 dollar investment is $137,623.10. Think that’s impressive? Try 2 years. You’re sitting on a cool $189,700,894!!
Yes, that’s right, nearly $190 MILLION!
Here’s a online compound calculator if you’d like to see the potential of your personal investment!
Excited yet?!
Here’s the good news! This is entirely possible an easier than ever to achieve. One way that many investors are earnings is thru what is known as Crypto mining. I know, sounds complicated and risky. What’s the catch?
First, you don’t need to learn how to mine crypto, or buy expensive computer and rigging equipment. In fact, while you should as a diligent investor, understand what mining crypto is all about, you don’t really need to know to do it. That’s right, you can spare yourself the intricacies of building a $25 – $100k mining set up in your bathroom and avoid a $5000 monthly electric bill. You also don’t have to concern yourself with the prices of crypto, cause you’re not going to be trading or investing in crypto.
Wait, what?
How would you like to instead invest in those who have already made those costly investments to mine crypto coins? How would you like to also earn a fixed income from that investment? On top of that, how would you like for the investment to not be directly tied to the erratic prices of crypto?
Now you can.
“Minedollars Is the world’s Top Cloud Mining Platform with the most reliable & advanced cloud mining technology providing users with the opportunity to mine different types of tokens at a competitive cost, allowing for users to have maximum return-of-investments (ROI).
Cloud Mining is the process of crypto-currency mining utilizing a remote datacenter with shared processing power. This type of cloud mining enables users to mine bitcoins or alternative cryptocurrencies without managing the hardware. The mining rigs are housed and maintained in a facility owned by mining company and the customer simply needs to register and purchase mining contracts.
MineDollars is a trusted cloud mining website and mobile cloud mining platform that allows you the best way to earn bitcoin. As a regulated mining company, MineDollars shares its computing resources to make cryptocurrency without purchasing your own crypto mining GPU or other high-priced cryptocurrency mining machines. The process is easy and it’s for everyone.
All you need to start cryptocurrency mining on MineDollars is to register and purchase your contract. Just rent a miner and make an easy passive income every day.
To fund your investment & receive your withdrawals, you will need to set up a wallet with your choice of brokerages. You will also need to submit and pass the security verification processes for the brokerage you choose.
I suggest using either Coinbase or Binance (U.S residents), for their capability, ease of use and repudiable market leadership. Binance will allow you to deposit USD, while Coinbase will require you purchase crypto. The good news is, you can purchase USDT (Tether) which is equivalent to the USD, $1USD = 1USDT. You can also easily sell your USDT back into USD and send it to your bank account instantly.
The easiest way to get started is to open an account with Binance and purchase USDT. Then make your product selection on MineDollars. (Be sure you are sending/paying/withdrawing your USDT on matching networks: ERC20 or TRC20 wallet addresses. ERC20 to ERC20, or TRC20 to TRC20. NEVER, EVER SEND ERC20 to TRC20 or, TRC20 to ERC20, or say goodbye to your money.)
Either way, at the end of the products term, you’ll receive your fixed income and your principal to your MineDollars account, in which case you can reinvest and start compounding! Or, withdrawal all or a portion of your profits to your Binance account in USDT and sell, converting your funds back into USD. You can now send USD to your bank and enjoy your cash!
With several products to choose from and different amounts of initial investments, you’re sure to find an affordable way to begin fixed return investing for a passive income. As a bonus, MineDollars offers an introductory offer exclusive to new users. They actually give you $10 that you can invest immediately for a .6% return in a single day contract to get you started.
Be sure to read their FAQ page to understand withdrawal fees and minimum withdrawal limits. If you have any questions, they also have an onsite chat to help you with anything on their site.
Stay in touch with my blog for future updates and posts regarding other incredible investment opportunities. Be sure to hit the “Follow” button in the left column and you’ll receive email updates and other valuable offers straight to your inbox.
If you have any questions that I may be able to help with, email me or reach out through social media using the links provided and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay tuned, there’s more incredible opportunities to come with
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